Executive Summary Foundation Initiatives & Long-Term Projects
Our Foundation Initiatives and Long-Term Projects are projects that we have started and maintained over a long period of time but are less active than our active programs and services. These projects were designed to meet the holistic needs of the residents of the communities we serve. Many of these initiatives are student-led or led by various project managers within the United Foundation of Central Florida.
Our Foundation Initiatives and Long-Term Projects are as follows:
FLU’s 3rd Wednesday Workshops
Youth P.O.W.E.R. Program in partnership with the Central Florida Urban League and Florida DJJ
Honoring Our Heroes in partnership with the Braswell Group, LLC and Maynard Evans High School
T.E.A.M. Mentoring Program in partnership with Maynard Evans High School
Pine Hills Forward in support of LYNX Transportation Authority
The goal of the Long-Term programs is to promote access to both educational and career development opportunities.