UFCF Receives $10,000 grant from Orange County Sheriff's Office Community Crime Prevention Program

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In 2020, the Orange County Sheriff’s Office created the Community Crime Prevention grant program. In its first funding cycle, announced in February 2020, the program awarded 15 micro-grants ranging from $3,800-$10,000 to nonprofit organizations, neighborhood groups, and others engaged in projects or programs that address:

Neighborhood safety

Crime prevention

Drug abuse education and prevention

These grants will enable our community partners to work in alignment with the Orange County Sheriff’s Office to support evidence-based violence reduction, safety, and drug abuse education and prevention programs.

Here at United Foundation of Central Florida, Inc. Representation Matters which is why I’m committed to revitalizing our community through our programs like Future Leaders United or Food Distributions. It’s about tackling our community’s root issues head-on with proven solutions that cultivate sustainable change.
— Julien Serrano-O'Neil, 2nd Vice President
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UFCF Receives $10,000 grant from Orange County Sheriff's Office Community Crime Prevention Program

Julien Serrano-O'Neil, 2nd VP on Civic Leadership Now and After Morehouse


Julien Serrano-O'Neil, 2nd VP participated in SAVE Summit a National Youth Engagement Initiative